The Gen-Z Poet: Serenaty Lumpkin’s Asterism

Serenaty Winn
4 min readDec 16, 2021


Asterism (Astrophile Collection): Lumpkin, Serenaty Winn: 9798584354794: Books

First of all, I think an introduction is due. If you have read some of my articles, you might be terribly confused about what I do. I am everywhere. All over the place running into pages from astrophysics to webtoon fanfics. I am not perfect not am I the best. But I love what I do. And what do I do exactly might you even care to wonder? I do. I do what I wish to achieve, and I do my best to accomplish my goals. I am like most people who are ambitious, driven, and passionately inspired by this film called life.

I am 17 and I dabble in poetry when I feel overwhelmed and numb. Business is the other half of my soul. I like creating things and empowering others. I like to call it simultaneous spontaneity. I benefit and you benefit. We are mutualistic.

I began to write Asterism when I was 16. It is a portrait of my soul. A collection of poems I have written since my freshman year of high school. I have always wanted to publish a book. Holding the first copy of my book was absolutely amazing. I cried. My words had lived. They were born and now exist in the pages of over 250 books. I am currently learning how to market my book, and as a Gen-Z Poet, I thought I should share my struggle. Thank gosh for the internet, if it was not for free YouTube videos, Wikipedia, and chat rooms I would have been clueless on how to even publish a book. However, marketing is the hard part. This is the obstacle. You wrote a book, published it, printed it, now, who would even want to buy it?

I am not a classic, no Poe or Dickinson, I am a Gen-Z nobody. Why would you want to read my book? Do you think poetry is pathetic? Tears of a ‘woe is me’ scenario? Sometimes, yes. But I provide very relatable and melancholic revelations in the form of prose and melody. I provide comfort to your lonely soul and mine. Poetry is the bridge that connects our hearts and frees our souls from the cage around our hearts. We must feel. We must be sensitive. We must because this is the last act of humanity and the foundation of existence. To feel and to express. It is the truest freedom and the most compelling art.

From reading thousands of books and writing thousands of poems and appears I feel it is time to claim my self recognition that I am a writer. Not the best, nor the worst. But I exist as a writer, pen in hand. The action empowers me to be.

About the Book:

Asterism is an opusculum of poetry confronting the realms of life, love, death. Featuring an assortment of verse and prose poems, Asterism is bound to no background or time setting. Believing that time does not exist and our existence is only as great as we perceive it to be determines the fate of each individuals life, a fate each individual can control. Perhaps the message of Asterism is to raise the self awareness that is illuminated by the extraordinary power of the mind and the thoughts we feed ourselves. Thoughts, questioning existence and the essence of life. Such as, ‘there is more to life than love and heartbreak, there must be…there must be beauty and passion, self love, and adventure…there must be magic and myths’. Yes, that must be the essence of life; the imagination…so free yet restricted by the laws of reality. Your life is a reflection of your worldly perception.

Asterism, is a reflection of mine. Asterism is my confession, ‘The Confession of My Existence’.


Asterism was kindly reviewed by Lucy Tobias, a fellow author and friend. In her newsletter, she mentioned me and I am very grateful.

Here is what she has to say about Asterism:

“Speaking of going for it — a round of applause for Serenaty Lumpkin, a junior in high school, who just published her first book. We’ve been doing an informal mentoring thing for several years. Talking about writing poetry, style, content and then slowly but surely nurturing the concept of producing a book. Should you be a Sarasota downtown Farmers Market regular you already know her family. Her grandmother is the French crepe maker and often a daughter and grandchild (Serenaty) help. So, this was civilized mentoring, often done with a crepe in hand at the market and getting to know the family. Serenaty has many mentors — proof that we are all walking this journey of life together. I am honored to be a small part of that walk. The book title is Asterism — Collection of Poems Vol. 1available on Amazon as paperback or Kindle. It is 278 pages. Her short poems especially can strike me as lightbulb moments. Here is one:

“Perhaps it is not our hearts that long to be held, but our soul when we feel alone.”

And sometimes a poem will make me laugh out loud: “So much work, so much stress, I do not like it, I must confess.”

She even has a section of international poems written in different languages and translated.

Visit my website, linked above, to learn more! You can re some of my raw, original work and visit my foreign langue poetry section!

More to come.

If you would like to publish a book, please contact me:

Check us out: Dead Poet Society — #esoteric.poetry (



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